2020 LPV Open Call for Proposals

We are currently accepting submissions for Le Petit Versailles Garden SeasonDEADLINE IS 28 FEBRUARY 2020If you’d like to rent the garden for private events, or wish to volunteer time, talent, and resources, you can reach us at lepetitversailles@alliedproductions.org.If you want to pitch a show/exhibition/anything, tell us your idea, the artistic disciplines it involves,and any other information that will help us place your show into our season!Send it via email a single PDF (5 MB maximum) that includes the following (IN ORDER)NAME / GROUP NAMEPHYSICAL ADDRESS (where applicant lives)EMAILPHONE NUMBERPARTNERS/COLLABORATORSMEDIUM (Film/Video/Theater/Readings/Word Art/Music/Dance/Movement/Workshop/Combined Forms/Interdisciplinary/Visual Arts/Other)PROJECT DESCRIPTION (less than a page)SUPPLEMENTALS (links for any materials to review in consideration of your work)PREFERRED DATESARTIST/MISSION STATEMENTBUDGETRESUMEWORK SAMPLES (5 pages or less)SEND TO: lpvsubmissions@alliedproductions.org“Le Petit Versailles (LPV) is a public garden located in New York City’s East Village. Created in 1997 by the artist organization Allied Productions and other neighborhood members it is part of New York City’s GreenThumb community garden program. LPV is dedicated to preserving the vitality of NYC green space through the arts, broadening & enriching the general public with performances, screenings, workshops and similar activities.Located at 346 East Houston St. @ Avenue C. in the East Village, on a lot that is approximately 22 x 60 feet -between two buildings that border 2nd St. and Houston St. It has a formal unified design with an arbor with areas designated for seating and gathering plus a small stage platform and additional bench seating.We are looking for events and projects across a wide range of artistic disciplines. Unusual ideas as well as more traditional presentations that address the environment, social and progressive issues and take into consideration the site specific nature of the garden itself are given preference. Temporary installations, performances, films, workshops in any discipline are desired. Programs, exhibitions and other public activities are primarily scheduled seasonally from spring to fall.  Winter projects are programmed in rare exceptions. Exhibitions must include works that can withstand the rigors of both nature and public space in an urban setting. LPV will coordinate some logistical elements, however artists must posses a high level of self sufficiency and embrace the DIY (Do It Yourself) ethos of the garden. LPV is entirely artist run and we have limited administrative and technical capacities.Although LPV often provides artist fees and other administrative/ technical support, LPV is unable to fund all approved proposals.  Please indicate if your proposal can be realized without financial support from LPV.Additionally, it is strongly recommended you view past examples of LPV projects. Please view the following links before you apply:LPV PROGRAM VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLExzPeJ7Olx8TNUIrmiNrz0iCFiId0fkSLPV BLOG (archive projects and events): http://www.lpvtv.blogspot.com/


2019 Annual Report


DEC 7 - Jack Waters speaks for Book Talk: Elia Alba’s The Supper Club at Brooklyn Museum