ARCHIVE 1 Curated by Karl Cooney

JULY 28, 2017

7 PM - 12 AM

LE PETIT VERSAILLES COMMUNITY GARDEN346 E. Houston St. / 247 E. 2nd St.RAIN OR SHINE At times, being a performance artist can feel more like being a failed librarian.This series is a small contribution to the historical record of performance art in New York City.Twelve artists total, four per night.The fourth Friday of each month, July, August, and September 2017 at Le Petit Versailles.Each performance will be lovingly documented and the video archived on YouTube.PERFORMERS:Arantxa Araujo is a Mexican multidisciplinary artist and neuroscientist based in NYC. Araujo is interested in how art changes the brain by allowing curated sensorimotor stimuli to create awareness. Her work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in Mexico and USA. Some spaces that have featured her work include Brooklyn Museum, Queens Museum, JACK, Panoply Lab, Garis & Hahn Gallery, SITI Lab, Live Love Festival, Movement Research, Radiator Gallery, Triskelion Arts, Idio Gallery, Walls-Ortiz Gallery, and The CAVE (NYC); SPACE gallery and Bunker Projects (Pittsburgh) and MATCH (Houston). Araujo was awarded a full scholarship from Mexican Government Institution CONACYT and holds an MA in Motor Learning and Control from Teachers College, Columbia University. She was a fellow at The Performance at the Center, SKIP! and a resident at Teatro de los Sentidos. She has been invited to be artist-in-residence at Bunker Projects 2016-2017 and Art in Odd Places NYC (2017). Evans is a NYC based artist. She frequently visits her hometown of Chicago whose Midwestern and sometimes controversial reputation is a major influence on her art. In 2015 she received the Jerome Foundation's Theater and Travel & Study Grant for artistic research abroad. Summer 2016 Evans completed her installment of the residency, "Back in Five Minutes" curated by Nicolas Dumit Estevez, at El Museo Del Barrio in NYC. Evans’s on-going performances/public interventions include: "Operation Catsuit" and "I Just Came Here to Find a Husband."Instagram: @ayana.m.evanshttp://www.ijustcameheretofindahusband.comIV Castellanos is an abstract performance artist and sculptor. They have performed at the Queens Museum, Gruentaler9 (Berlin), DFBRL8R (Chicago), Grace Exhibiton Space, IV Soldiers, Dixon Place, PPL, Gallery Sensei and Rosekill (Kingston, NY). They founded the F.A.G. (Feminist Art Group), 2016 with co-founder Esther Neff, which has alternating performers.Panoply Performance Laboratory (PPL) is a space, performative thinktank, and flexible collective making performance art, operas of operations, and discursive situations. Founded in 2006 by Esther Neff and currently co-directed with Brian McCorkle, PPL have performed relational tours, a diner, a natural history museum, a silviculture museum, artificial enculturation processes, conferences, and evolving installations. Operas such as NATURE FETISH and the trilogy The Transformational Grammar of the Institutional Glorybowl have been performed in NYC at Momenta Art, Dixon Place, The Brick, Grace Exhibition Space, LPAC, the cell, 14 Wall Street through LMCC Swing Space, multiple chashama sites, ISSUE Project Room, Silent Barn, and elsewhere all over the USA and the


Spontaenous Jam: NYOBS & Chris Laye
