FONTANAP(S) by Katherine Liberovskaya w/ Keiko Uenishi

AUGUST 27, 20168-10 PMLE PETIT VERSAILLES COMMUNITY GARDEN346 E. Houston St. /  247 E. 2nd St.RAIN OR SHINEA video-audio lounging evening around a fountain, featuring "Amplifontana", a fountain-sculpture-video-audio installation by Katherine Liberovskaya, live interventions by Keiko Uenishi, and fountain cocktail drinks...Katherine Liberovskaya is an intermedia artist based in Montreal and New York. Involved in experimental video since the 80s, she has produced numerous videos, video installations and performances shown around the world. Since 2001 her work predominantly focuses on the intersection of image and sound, in solo video-audio installation/environments and often in collaborations with composers and sound artists notably in live video+sound performance. Frequent collaborators include Phill Niblock, Al Margolis/If,Bwana, Keiko Uenishi, David Watson, Shelley Hirsch...among many others. Concurrently she curates and organizes the Screen Compositions evenings at Experimental Intermedia, NYC, since 2005 and the OptoSonic Tea series with Ursula Scherrer at Diapason, NYC, since 2006. In 2014 she completed a PhD in the Study and Practice of Art entitled "Improvisatory Live Visuals: Playing Images Like a Musical Instrument" at the Universite du Quebec in Montreal (UQAM).Keiko Uenishi, currently splitting her time between Brooklyn, New York and Vienna, Austria, sound art­i­vist, socio/environ composer, is known for her works formed through experiments in restructuring and analyzing one's relationship with sounds in sociological, cultural, and/or psychological environments. She is obsessed with questioning and re­imagining the definitions of space through aural perceptions. Uenishi is currently working on a doctoral research titled “Partitions: Dividers, Connectors, Gray­zones, Neighbours in Aural Space,” for which she collaborates with people in Brooklyn, NY; Vienna, Austria; Maebashi, Gunma, Japan. She is also a core member of ( since 2001. More info




TECHNICOLOR GARDEN: Installation by Allyson Lipkin