FREE Events @ Le Petit Versailles

346 East Houston st. (ave. B & C)
F / V trains to Second Ave. Walk east on Houston St. or
J / M trains to Delancey. Walk northeast to Houston St.
212 529 8815 free / donation

JULY 11 FRIDAY 10 pm.
Hair-O-Win is an hour-long live art installation. A collaboration between performer Crystal Goldmind and writer Zip Shark), the work employs theatrics, temporary piercing, video, and sound collage to explore the cosmic significance and physical reality of a dying super-heroine.
HAIR-O-WIN, A SUPERHEOINE reclines comatose in the secret work-chamber of a MYSTERIOUS CHARACTER.
Her psychic limbo is broadcast. Her flesh is interfered with. Maps are made.
Not for the Squeamish PLEASE BE AWARE this installation contains needles, blood, and partial nudity.

Crystal Goldmind IS a Brooklyn-based performance artist. I have passionately studied, created, performed, collaborated, and produced experimental theater for over a decade. My current artistic interests include performance in alternative spaces, performance as activism, and pushing the boundaries of interdisciplinary performance. My work’s broad scope and complex underpinnings range from the lust of the ephemeral quality of pure movement, to the direct political messages of performance art—from the instantaneous composition of improvised movement pieces, to the pure joy of queer flamboyance. My performance art addresses queer politics, patriotic dissent, and alternative sexuality in two primary forms: crotch puppets and temporary piercing theater.
Temporary piercing theater builds upon the emotional resonance of live impermanent piercing of the flesh, creating a cathartic and thrilling kinesthetic environment. My body becomes a canvas onto which different designs are attached. The puncturing of skin serves as a backdrop for an intersecting verbal narrative. Mermaid scales have been woven onto my chest while unrequited love letters from a sailor were recited (The Sailor and the Mermaid, 2005). A tail of flowers has been pinned to my back as scientific accounts of homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom were read (The Tale of the Tail, 2005).

Zip Shark, am a writer currently living in Missoula, Montana. I’ve spent years in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada sifting through the old ruins and continuing pathology of Manifest Destiny. A water-politics anthology I co-edited, Dam Nation: Dispatches from the Water Underground, examines the interplay of Manifest Destiny and water. Since its spring 2007 publication on Soft Skull Press I have toured with the book and with my play The Gold Fish, or, Straight Flushes for the Manifestly Destined, a one-act comedy on salmon migration. In 2005, this work also took me to New Orleans in the early aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. There I sampled soil and water, interviewed residents on their environmental and medical concerns, helped produce the flyer Mud, Mold, and More: How to Stay Safe after Katrina, and researched Gulf Coast toxic history. Colorlines published the resulting article “Rebuilding on Poisoned Ground” in their Spring 2006 issue.

JULY 12 Saturday 8pm
a five piece ensemble performing original rhythm driven instrumental music on invented instruments. It features haunting melodies, funky bass lines and layers of interlocking rhythmic lines, coupled with stunning visuals from our self - invented musical contraptions. It is a unique musical experience. Electric Junkyard Gamelan has been performing together since 1998 in New York City and nationally. The concept for the group was initially inspired by traditional gamelan music of Indonesia. We now weave in range of influences from Indian Classical to funk and hip hop. Our mission is to present a fresh original sound and a captivating aural and visual experience for the audience. Many of the instruments I create are fashioned from recycled and found objects, thus our motto...ReUse, ReCycle and Rock!
Electric Junkyard Gamelan is the brainchild of bandleader and composer Terry Dame. Born out of desire to create an original sound Dame fused her two passions, making music and inventing and building things to form this totally unique group.
EJYG has been performing together since 1998. They released their self-titled debut in 2002. Their new live album "Live from HERE" was released in January 2007. This highly adaptable group performs at every type of venue possible from prestigious art centers, large and small to New Yorks finest clubs, underground music parties and outdoor festivals. Past venues include The Walker Art Center, The Kitchen, Amazing Things Art Center, RealArtWays, Pioneer Arts Center of Easthampton, Sage Street Mill at Vermont Arts Exchange, TSL and the Vintage Virginia Wine Festival. New York City venues include Zebulon, Barbes, The Stone, The Knitting Factory, Galapagos, CBGBs, Dixon Place and PS122 to name a few.

Robin Burdulis: Filter & Tube Drums, Gongs, Pot Rack
Terry Dame: Rubarp,Terraphone, Kacapitar
Mary Feaster: Sitello, Kacapitar, Big Barp
Lee Frisari: Clayrimba, Pot Rack, Gongs
Julian (Julz A) Hintz: Clayrimba, Big Barp, Gongs

Press Quotes

"Electric Junkyard Gamelan makes music so original
they had to invent their own instruments to play it.
It's wild enough to please fans...regardless of genre."
--Global Rhythms Magazine

"transporting...beautiful and inspired sounds"
- --Village Voice

"...rhythmic, near-hypnotic music."
--HX Magazine

Le Petit Versailles, created in 1996 by community neighbors is a NYC GreenThumb garden and project of Allied Productions, Inc. a non profit arts organization. LPV provides a green oasis for meditation and relaxation dedicated to fostering the interest of all segments of the community in the arts, broadening and enriching the general public through performances, screenings, workSHOPS.

LPV events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc.,
Citizens for NYC, Green Thumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts;
NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, NYC Dept. of Sanitation & NYC Board of Education
Film & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Additional support, in part, by public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.


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Spring TO Summer JUNE 21