July 12 - August 9, 2018Opening Reception: JULY 12, 7-9pmLe Petit Versailles Garden NY NY 346 East Houston Street between Avenues B + C subways: F – Second Avenue J/M/F – Delancey StreetRAIN OR SHINE

Garden open hours: Thurs - Sun from 2pm - 7pmAugmented virtual reality installation
Here is a simple setup:
- open your scene.
- find the BugRegion prefab in the Prefabs folder
- drag it into place
- set the Region size eg:
X Region Size X -1 and Y 1 with Y Region Size X -2 and Y +2
This means the bug will crawl in a region of 2 by 4 meter with the center in the middle.
- You can add and remove bugs if you want and set each minimum and maximum size.
- You can add your own bugs if you like.
- Mix them up..
- Press play. And voila,

Have fun!

Bouture is an augmented reality installation made by Benjamin Blaquart especially for Le Petit Versailles.Through this technology, the artist explores the porous nature of spaces (virtual and material), not as opposing spaces but as something that complements each other. Through a strange narration or organ, animals and plants merge with the space of the garden, a poetic hybrid and uncanniness is revealed.Bouture needs to be downloaded on your Android smartphone (iPhone app version coming soon !).Download the app “Bouture” on Google play.Find and aim these targets with the app and enjoy!BIO"Instead of postapocalyptic angst or fantasies of boosted human capacities, which in his view abet purposes that are more conservative than truly evolutionist, Benjamin Blaquart’s approach to biotechnological hybrids is articulated in ecosystems that are steeped in poetry. Informed by queer theory and speculative fiction, and in particular the writings of Paul B. Preciado and Samuel R. Delany, his work draws both on digital engineering and production techniques and prosthetics materials, from 3D printing to silicone and resin. His objects thus blur the frontiers between sculpture, installation, and prototype, occupying space like autonomous organisms irrigated by fluids and linking together heterogeneous objects such as aquatic plants and micro-screens operated by Arduino." -- Frank Balland OPENING NIGHT:IMG_6071 IMG_6080 IMG_6109 IMG_6116 IMG_6120 IMG_6129 Screenshot_20180712-180905 Screenshot_20180712-183125 Screenshot_20180712-190214 --Le Petit Versailles events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc., Gardeners & Friends of LPV, GreenThumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts, the NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, and the Office of City Councilwoman Carlina Rivera. LPV Exhibitions are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.




JULY 14 - LET US BAKE CAKES (and eat them too!!) Fundraiser for LPV