Keeping Culture Vital!!!

Support the culture of resistance by helping continue free events and exhibitions at Le Petit Versailles! Make a donation of any amount.

This year we have worked with over 100 artists and presented over 30 events with incredibly diverse audiences. We are asking you to support the unique contributions we make to art and artists by purchasing gifts from our STORE or Fine Art Showcase.

Since 1981, Allied Productions has been vital in harnessing the arts as a force for maintaining open, green, public urban space in an ongoing struggle against gentrification.  Last December, we celebrated Allied and Le Petit Versailles' dual anniversaries at our first major ground-breaking fundraiser at Howl! Happening. This year our participation at the Printed Matter Art Book Fair transferred much of that energy towards a platform for earned income. In doing this we further our service to the arts and artists by giving them much needed income through print + book sales.

Completely artist run organizations like us are becoming scarce to the point of extinction. Whether or not you see yourself as an artist, our very existence is due to YOUR vision and support!Help us help our communities, BUY OR DONATE TODAY!(photos left to right: Carlo Quispe Live Drawing at NY Art Book Fair MoMA PS1, Beltane at the nearby Hamilton Fish NYC Park & Recreation Center, Vessel Babies closing celebration of Caitlen Rose Sweet's "Uncontainable" exhibition by Andrea Glick and Serena Jara)


Beltaine MAY DAY!! Celebration 2018


EXQUISITE CORPSE with Bizzy Barefoot and special guests!