MAY 15th -- "LUMINOUS POINT" by ALEXANDER HAHN -- A Live Narrated Screening

Alexander Hahn


Swiss artist of intercontinental repute,
Alexander Hahn,
presents a live narrated screening of his interactive video, Luminous Point!
Saturday, May 15th8:00 PMatLe Petit Versailles Garden, 346 E Houston St.Garden opens @ 7pm. FREEvoluntary donations are greatly appreciated!

The Work: "Luminous Point"Luminous Point is an interactive video about memory. Memory both human and artificial. Navigating per remote control, the viewers explore a digital recreation of the artist’s Lower East Side tenement apartment—a virtual wunderkammer and archive in which distant places and different times, personal biography and cultural history, fact and fiction all coexist just like in the mental space of memory. Effortlessly changing between microscopic and macroscopic dimensions, the visitors pass through a labyrinth of spaces, descend into subterranean worlds, lift off skywards like dreamers, free from the binds of gravity and linear time. Luminous Point seamlessly combines video and computer generated material, creating a new form of electronic work, a hybrid composed of elements from narrative and documentary video/film, computer game, virtual reality, and photography.

My work explores the shifting realities of everyday life, memory and dream. The method : overtly and covertly recording what‘s ephemeral and seemingly mundane. Aided by a computer and a 3D application, I mull over the various ways these snippets might possibly relate, much like a scientist or detective trying to fit the pieces of an unknown puzzle.
Check him out on the web:
Even get a sneak peak at the material (even though it will be nothing like seeing it LIVE in the Garden!):
212 529 8815F / V trains to Second Ave. Walk east on Houston St. orJ / M trains to Delancey. Walk northeast to Houston St.*********************Le Petit Versailles was created in 1996 by community neighbors. It is a GreenThumb garden and a project of Allied Productions, Inc., a non profit arts organization. LPV provides a green oasis for meditation and relaxation dedicated to fostering the interest of all segments of the community in the arts, broadening and enriching the general public through performances, screenings, workshops. 
LPV events are made possible by: Allied Productions, Inc., Citizens for NYC, Green Thumb/NYC Dept. of Parks,
Materials for the Arts, NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, NYC Dept. of Sanitation & NYC Board of EducationFilm & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Luminous Point is supported with support from the Swiss Federal Office of Culture and the Experimental Television Center.

JUNE 5th -- ENVIRO-ART -- Film Screenings by Sandra Sprecher


MAY 1st -- LPV OPENING DAY CELEBRATION! -- with singer/songwriter "Pistol" Pete Sturman, and video installation by Lili White