Outside In 7

 OUTSIDE IN 7The Annual LPV Gardeners Art Exhibition.September 4-26Visiting Hours: Thursday - Sunday 2-7pm. and when weather allows.Opening Reception Sunday September 12 from 4- 10pm. with music, film and BBQ!!Peter CramerKuki GomezCyra GreeneAdam HowardBryce LeVan CushingTim LomasJill LondonPaul Nowellchev d.orangeJohn PavlouRobert PetrickJacobie ZaretskyThe Community Gardens of NYC bring us all kinds of necessary connections to the earth, sky and water and sun. Let us work together to save green spaces everywhere, especially in New York City.Le Petit Versailles 346 East Houston Street (Avenues B & C )212 529 8815  http://alliedproductions.orgpetitversailles@earthlink.net F / V trains to Second Ave. Walk east on Houston St.?J / M trains to Delancey. Walk northeast to Houston St.?FREE/Voluntary Donation?rain or shineLe Petit Versailles, created in 1996, is a GreenThumb garden and a project of Allied Productions, Inc. a non-profit arts organization. LPV provides a green oasis for meditation and relaxation dedicated to fostering the interest of all segments of the community in the arts, broadening and enriching the general public through performances, screenings, workshops. LPV events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc., Green Thumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts;NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, NYC Dept. of Sanitation &NYC Board of Education. Film & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.


Birdhouses and Birdbaths: Ceramics by Elisabeth Kley


"Baroque Bike Rack"