The sculptures for Parallel World by Tobi Mohring and Michael Philips have been delayed due to US Customs and new HomeLand Security procedure. Unfortunately Parallel World performance cannot be done without the sculpture as they are essential characters in the "play" . WE are forced to reschedule the performance to THURSDAY OCTOBER 26 @ 8pm.HOWEVER we are pleased to present the documentaryBOOM- The Sound of Evictionby Francine Cavanaugh, A. Mark Liiv, and Adams Wood.FRIDAY OCTOBER 20Screening @ 8pm.Le Petit Versailles Garden346 East Houston St.Rain or shine...212 529 8815Enthralled by dreams of instant wealth during the dot-com boom, the world largely ignored the disastrous housing crunch that plagued San Francisco - "Mecca of the New Economy."Now the bubble has popped and most of the startups are gone, but the tidal wave of gentrification that came with the new industry has changed the city's landscape forever. This new documentary takes stock of the dot-com boom and bust and asks the question - Who benefited?By turns humorous and scathing, Boom delves into the ironies and contradictions of the "New Economy" and delivers a potent social critique that is ambitious in its scope while remaining close to the human scale. The viewer moves easily between dot-com party crashing at one end of the economic spectrum and painful moments with evicted families at the other. Boom features interviews with dot-com workers, real estate developers, and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, as well as those who challenged the new economic order through community organizing, electoral politics, and direct action.?Boom - The Sound of Eviction  (96 minutes, DV, Color) Directed by Francine Cavanaugh, A. Mark Liiv, and Adams Wood. Produced by Francine Cavanaugh, A. Mark Liiv, Jeff Taylor and Adams Wood/ A Whispered Media Production thanks and gratitude to the fillmmakers for allowing us to screen BOOM.Events are made possible by Allied Productions,Inc.,Gardeners & Friends of LPV,Citizens for NYC, GreenThumb/ NYC Dept. of Parks,Materials for the Arts; NYC ,Dept. of Cultural Affairs,NYC Dept. of Sanitation & NYC Board of Education. and Manhattan Neighborhood Network. LPV Programs are made possible with public funds the New York State Council on the Arts, a State


ONGOING EXHIBITIONS @ Le Petit Versaillles
