September @ Petit Versailles
Inbred Hybrid Collective
Peter Cramer
Kuki Gomez
Deborah Holcombe
Hope Hall
Katherine Jackson
Tim Lomas
Jill London
Leslie Lowe
Tim Milk
Paul Nowell
chev d’orange
John Pavlou
Robert Petrick
Peter Shapiro
Jack Waters

"So let no one think that I'm worthless and weak, who plays nice, stays at home, for that's not quite my story. I make my friends smile, and my enemies shriek, I'm one of the kind whose life is all glory."
Medea at Le Petit Versailles is a cross-culturally cast production of a modern, poetic new translation of the classic Greek play.
The production is a site-specific collaboration by local artists from a variety of fields, including dance, visual arts, film, theatre, and experimental music.
The audience steps from Houston St. into another world where the action occurs all around and among them. At first glance it may appear that Euripides in 431 BC had little to say to us about our sophisticated modern age; but when investigating deeper into our own lives, we find his haunting tale hits closer to home than we might like to admit. Exile, gender roles, submission to power and familial obligations are timeless themes we continue to play out and gain particular insight into when returning to the ancient Greeks.
Translated by Mark Buchan and Bridget DurkinCo-Produced by Claire Lebowitz and Judi RymerDirected by Judi RymerChoreography by Jack WatersCostumes by Leslie LoweMusic by Masataka OdakaAssistant Director, Nora Jane Williams
With:Pete Caslavka
Eno EdetJillian L. JohnsonMort KroosClaire LebowitzJared MillerYasemin OzumerzifonAdrian SaichGargi ShindeAnthony SiscoBenjamin SlaterJoanie Fritz Zosike
- LPV events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc.,
- Green Thumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts; NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, NYC Dept. of Sanitation & NYC Board of Education.
- Film & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.