Summer Nights on Jupiter floating in a peculiar way

Join us Saturday, May 28, 7:30-9:30pm as we step through the door & welcome the summer and begin our voyage into the beyond!! If you haven't ventured with us before, Summer Nights on Jupiter is in its 3rd summer exploring space with many amazing artists/writers/talented people in Le Petit Versailles--a community garden in Manhattan's Lower East Side neighborhood. A lot has happened since we were last together: Fall, Winter, Spring all came and went.... and now we're currently working hard to pull together a group of guides to help us ease into this oncoming season: so we may again flirt, swoon, crush, astral project and collectively envision brighter futures!!Though I'm past one hundred thousand milesI'm feeling very stillAnd I think my spaceship knows which way to go...Have you been there? Planet Earth seems so blue and there's nothing you can do?!! Well our beautiful guides will help us on our journey as we explore the reality of our human forms through the lens of outer space::: delve into poetry, prose, writing, music, performance together!!We'll also be raising funds to help send people to the Philadelphia Trans Health Conference with the advocacy group Trans In Action!!! So please tell folx that may be willing to help support this venture!!Stephen Boyer is a writer, artist, performer living in Brooklyn and curator of Summer Nights on Jupiter!Devon Gallegos is our Le Petit Versailles liaison, host, partyboy and guide to the beyond!:::::GUIDES::::Tom Barranca holds an MFA in creative writing from the New School and has been published never. He looks good in a caftan, and writes poetry to express his dissatisfaction with the dominant culture. He is also working on a novel that will be finished when he's 45 years old.***Kay Gabriel is a wannabe Sexy Mean and a co-editor of Vetch: A Journal of Trans Poetry and Poetics. Her poetry has appeared, or will, in TINGE, Industrial Lunch, and Matrix, and her criticism in Transgender Studies Quarterly. She collaborated with David W. Pritchard on the chapbook Impropria Persona (Damask Press, 2017). Twitter: @unit01barbie.***Anaïs Maviel is a vocalist, percussionist & multi-instrumentist from France & Haiti. As a scholar, she achieved an epic research on afrocentric creative music as a contemporary utopian alternative to politics. As a performer she crossed multiple aesthetics alongside Shumba M'Bira, ENS Batucada, Healing Unit Orchestra, and currently lives in New York City where she is creatively involved with William Parker, Cooper-Moore, Matt Lavelle, Michael Bisio, Patrick Breiner, Michael Foster, Maria Grand, Daniel Carter, Pascal Niggenkemper, Dave Ruder & Performance Panoply Lab. Anaïs Maviel develops her expression in improvisation, composition, poetry & their interstices, from solo to large multi-media ensembles that she leads on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. Last, she operates as a sound healer in Harriet's Apothecary colorful queer collective. -***Kristen Parker Lovell is a Pocket Filmmaker Activist and Co-Conspirator of the WRRQ's activist agenda. For nearly a decade, Kristen has worked vigorously to carry on Sylvia Rivera's legacy to support transient young people. A survivor of the streets who was mentored by Sylvia Rivera, for over eight years Kristen has been a symbol of strength, and resilience in her work at Sylvia's Place/MCCNY Charities Inc., NYC's only emergency queer youth shelter. She is currently the Program Coordinator for HIV Testing and Counseling. A fierce advocate for trans women, Kristen founded an empowerment group, Trans in Action, which has produced three documentaries about trans representation in the media. Kristen has a passion for history and ensures that the young people of today know it as well. She is also a taleneted artist and performer who has helped organize Arts in the Woods for three summers now, was a co-director of this year's camp, and will be playing a lead role in the WRRQ film "Wild Ponies Dancing."***Meaner Pencil is a passionate, innovative, poetic presence on the New York anti-folk scene. Her voice is angelic and blends effortlessly with the richness of the cello. She writes about everyday life with a heightened sense of emotional awareness. Her goal as an artist is to release unspoken feelings.***Trace Peterson is the author of Since I Moved In (Chax Press, 2007), winner of the Gil Ott Award, as well as numerous chapbooks. Editor/Publisher of EOAGH, she is also Co-editor of the anthology Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2013), which was a Finalist for a Lambda Literary Award in 2014. Peterson currently serves on the Board of Directors of VIDA: Women in Literary Arts and teaches a course in Transgender Poetry at Hunter College.***Torrey Peters has had essays and stories published in Prairie Schooner, Epoch, Brevity, McSweeney’s, Fourth Genre, The Pinch, Shenandoah,, and her work has been anthologized in Best Travel Writing (2009, 2010), Tinderbox Editions, I’ll Tell You Mine: 35 Years of the Iowa Nonfiction writing program, WaveForm: Twenty-First Century Essays By Women. However, past publications aside, she’s trans, and has concluded that the publishing industry doesn’t serve trans women. So now she just gives away her work for free to other trans girls on the internet.***Janeen Pergrin Rastall lives in Gordon, MI (population 2). She is hopelessly in love with Lake Superior, the great saltless sea. Janeen is the author of In the Yellowed House (dancing girl press 2014), Objects May Appear Closer (Celery City Chapbooks, 2015) and co-author of Heart Radicals (ELJ Publications, 2016). Her work has been nominated for a Best of the Net Award and for the Pushcart Prize. She is Managing Editor at ELJ Publications. Please visit Janeen at her author page: Petit Versailles events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc., Gardeners & Friends of LPV, GreenThumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts, the NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, and the Office of City Councilwoman Rosie Mendez. LPV Exhibitions are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.


