Allied Productions, Inc. Stands With Palestine

Gaza's death toll now exceeds 39,000

American taxpayers have blood on our hands. As staff and board members of Allied Productions, Inc., we stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza and occupied Palestine, reject state violence against all civilians in the region, and join the demand for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to Israeli apartheid.

Allied Productions, Inc. was founded in 1981 to support artists in their production of visual, performing and media arts, and for the enrichment of the general public through performances, screenings, exhibitions, distribution, workshops, community outreach programs, and other similar activities. Within our mission is our commitment to support marginalized, underserved, and endangered communities, at the intersection of including people of color, the poor and unhoused, youth, children, seniors, and the LGBTQIA+ identified - and including we ourselves who are infected and affected by the ongoing AIDS crisis. 

Our values are firmly rooted in a politics of liberation. We possess an enormous responsibility experience a compelling imperative to act now as we witness another moment of US-backed killings of systematically oppressed people in Palestine. Despite threats of censorship and retaliation, many artists and cultural workers–including Allied Productions, Inc. alumni–are demanding that institutional silence around the unfolding genocide in Gaza be broken. Artists have long been on the frontlines of movements for Palestinian liberation. It is long past time that arts organizations take a stand.

Allied Productions, Inc. affirms a commitment to the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). These movements call on the international community to demand that Israel comply with international law, and end occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.

Our commitments are outlined below.

  • Allied Productions, Inc. refuses to receive funding or subsidies from Israeli institutions at the national and international levels, and commits to promoting divestment and disinvestment from the state of Israel. 

  • In keeping with the cultural boycott called for by Palestinian artists and cultural institutions, and modeled for artists in NYC by Adalah-NY, Allied Productions, Inc. will not participate in events sponsored by the Israeli government or complicit Israeli institutions in New York, Israel, or anywhere else. We pledge to not partner with any institution that receives money from Israel.

  • Allied Productions, Inc. rejects antisemitism in all forms and recognizes it as a co-constitutive part of white supremacy. We celebrate Jewish identity and recognize it as separate and independent from the ideology of Zionism and the nation-state of Israel. 

  • We emphatically oppose any conflation of anti-Zionism (or support for Palestinian rights or opposition to the apartheid policies of the state of Israel)  to racism, hatred, and discrimination against Jewish people.  with antisemitism.

Allied Productions, Inc. hereby calls on other organizations to support the work of the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement to end Israeli occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid NOW.

We urge organizations within our shared cultural sector to take actionable steps in solidarity with Palestinians and support the BDS and PACBI movements to end Israeli occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid. Moving forward, Allied Productions, Inc. will continue to participate in coalition-building efforts alongside artists, cultural institutions, activist groups, and organizations committed to the liberation of Palestinian people. CEASEFIRE NOW!

In solidarity,

Allied Productions, Inc. Staff and Board: 

Bruna Braga, Susan Brown, Rodrigo Chazaro, Peter Cramer, Jane Dowling, Rose Knopper, Sia Mehta, Noe Kidder, Lucia Maria Minervini, Ethan Shoshan, Maya Suess, Sur Rodney (Sur), Felix Reyes, Paige Stevenson, and Jack Waters

We support these Action and Educational Links for Cultural Organizations as particularly useful for arts and cultural organizations working to act in solidarity with Palestinians and their right to sovereignty:


A Queer Lower East Side Story


Politically-Trenchant New York City Symphony Films Curated by Jon Gartenberg