Saturday, June 22, 8:30pm @ LPV

A celebration of the life and work of Charles Lum aka CLUBLUM featuring short films and home videos. Curated by Todd Verow

Charles Lum, aka clublum, received his MFA in Photography from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago after 25 years scouting & managing film locations. His short videos have screened internationally in museum, art and film venues.

Todd Verow made his feature film debut with "FRISK" in 1996. He has directed over 30 features and numerous shorts, establishing himself as the most prolific auteur emeritus of the New Queer Cinema. Charles & Todd have also co-directed the feature documentaries “AGE OF CONSENT” and “SEX & The Silver Gays.”


Dress Up / Dress OUT


NYOBS - Pride Slide Ride