Katrina del Mar: Punk Dyke Movie Night

Friday, September 16 @ 7 PM at LPV

Allied Productions is proud to present Katrina del Mar: Punk Dyke Movie Night, a screening of underground, experimental short films at Le Petit Versailles Community Garden

The director / filmmaker will be present for an informal artist talk / Q & A.

In addition to screening two thirds of the iconic, rarely-screened GANG GIRL TRILOGY -- films that include Surf Gang (2005 - 24 min) and Gang Girls 2000 (1999 - 27 min) -- Katrina will screen a selection of old and new works including early scuzzy No-Wave video experiments I Did It (2002), rock and roll lesbian vampire film A Beautiful Death (2006), episodes of the plotless experimental hangout webseries delMarvelous (2014-15), an excerpt of her upcoming feature doc about her artist/mail carrier father, An Artist Working as a Letter Carrier, and a peek at her upcoming lesbian surf opus Beat Death / Trust in Me , a non-narrative, abstract, punk-dyke surf film. Other films may include Love (2019), Two Girls One Afternoon (2018), Hide Me (Woman in a Bubble) (2021), Luddite (2020), super 8mm portraits, Screentests (for a feminist revolution movie), and other surprises.

LPV events are free and open to the public. Donations are greatly needed and much appreciated. ALL attendees are required to wear a mask.


"Del Mar’s work is less about documentary intentions than fantasy, and therein lies its disruptive force. Erotic fantasy art has always been primarily about the desires of the viewer, while Del Mar’s are unmistakably shaped by those of her subjects." -Carlo McCormick

“Throughout her decades-long career as a photographer and filmmaker, Katrina del Mar has been described as “intimidatingly badass” (The Huffington Post), “a speedy person” (Eileen Myles), and a producer of “filth of the highest quality.” -Peter Bagge

"Her obsession with Americana iconography — pinups, burlesque, superheroes and leather-jacketed toughs — strikes an immediate dichotomy with her feeling most at home among queer outcasts caked in the urban grime of New York. Typically armed with an 8mm camera, her extreme close-ups and jarringly visceral cutting cast a beautiful, flickering spell. She and her friends — skaters, musicians, and punks — become larger than life figures with an unforgettable allure.” -Spectacle Theater


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