Le Petit Versailles, Call for Proposals for 2008 Season.LPV was created in 1997 by Allied Productions and other neighborhood members as a GreenThumb public garden located at 247 East 2nd St. in the East Village. It is volunteer based and is dedicated to preserving the vitality of NYC greenspace through the arts, broadening & enriching the general public with performances, screenings, workshops and similar activities.The garden is approximately 22 x 60 feet - located between two buildings that border 2nd St. and Houston St. It has a formal unified design with an arbor with areas designated for seating and gathering. We recently constructed a small stage platform and additional bench seating. Electrical power is donated by Allied Productions.Inc. Total capacity in the garden is between 40-75 people.We present 6 months of public events April - November, with music & film series, visual art exhibitions and workshops. We are looking for unusual ideas as well as more traditional presentations that address the environment, social and progressive issues and the site specific nature of the garden itself. Temporary installations, performances, films, workshops in any discipline are desired. Exhibitions must include works that can withstand the rigors of nature. We also produce a hlafhour cable show LPVTV for Manhattan Public Access (MNN) for which we seek program submissions.We are also on the list of available sites for the community service proponent of the New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship Program. Target audiences and participants include gardeners, local neighborhood residents, artists, activists, tourists and visitors QUEER AND OTHERWISE from around the world.DEADLINE January 30.2008Please submit email proposals/questions to Peter Cramer orby regular mail c/o Allied Productions PO Box 20260 New York, NY10009 check out ourwebsite for past activities Proposals must include the followingName: _______________________________Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ideal month for performance: _________________________Phone #: ________________________ e-mail : _____________________________Applying for: genre: (circle ONE) . Readings . Music . Dance . Theater . Film. VideoExhibition . Installation . Workshops.ALTHOUGH WE MAKE AN EFFORT TO PROVIDE ARTIST FEES AND OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE/TECHNICAL SUPPORT NOT ALL PROPOSALS CAN BE FUNDED. PLEASE INDICATE IF THIS PROPOSAL CAN BE REALIZED WITHOUT OUR SUPPORT.THANK YOU.Required Application Materials. Incomplete applications cannot be consideredA.) this form B.) a one page (or less) description of the work you wish to present, include approximate running time, number of performers, and current phase of the work (experimenting, work in progress, fine tuning, finished work) C.) one of the following: Slides, Jpegs, VHS video tape, DVD, CD, or Audio tape of your previous work, or a version of what you would like to perform - cued to its best 3-minute segment. If you send a DVD or CD, write the track number or cue time here:____________ D.) Artist statement and/or performance group's mission statement, or ideas that guide your work E.) Performance resume (Individual and/or group's) F.) Optional supporting materials: performance photographs. copies of reviews / previews / press. a score, script, or section thereof (no more than 5 pages). set and/or costume designs (no more than 2).Applications will not be returned. DEADLINE January 30.2008




IMAGESCAPE - Halloween @ Petit Versailles