The Allied Productions Webstore is Now Open!
We are pleased to announce the opening of the Allied Productions Webstore, where you can now purchase limited edition prints from artists such as Kiki Smith, Jenny Holzer, Kembra Pfahler & Gordon Kurtti.

Surrender Dorothy: The Return of The Witches

Harry Hay Days June 1-3

le dôme de plaisir d'hiver: The Winter Pleasure Dome

ALLIED/ Le Petit Versailles @ MARKET



Love in the Time of AIDS

"1+1: Paraphrasing Gogol (You and Me and the Garden of Eden)"

"Last Call" Exhibition @ The Goethe Institute
"Last Call" Exhibition @ Le Petit Versailles
Jack Waters' Reflections on Triple Threat
Triple Threat Exhibition - Opening Night

Summer Solstice @ Petit Versailles

Cinco de Mayo and MORE!
UPcoming 2009 SEAson @ Le Petit Versailles

FREE FORM FILM Festival & Music! FREE!!

Spring TO Summer JUNE 21

Killer Weekend! June 6,7,8