Cinco de Mayo and MORE!

Le Petit Versailles launches its 2009 season with a roster of new and returning artists in an intermix of visual art exhibition, performance, music, spoken word, theater, parties, and more in our garden salon!LPV season begins with an opening reception for the sculpture exhibition "7th Avenue" by Aurelio del Muro. May 5th - Cinco De Mayo,  5-8pm.

May 2- 31. Exhibition Viewing hours Thursday - Sunday 2-7pm.
New York based sculptor Aurelio del Muro imigrated to NY from his native San Luis Potosi, Mexico, in 1978.  In 1983 he began carving stone, and in 1986 he  joined the Art Students League to study sculpture and drawing. His latest series "7th Avenue",  is inspired by a pre-hispanic ceramic sculpture from Tlatilco, Mexico, called the acrobat.  The other source of inspiration, which owes the title of the series, is a walk and a conversation with a friend, one evening on 7th Avenue.   
"7th Avenue" is also made possible with support of The Mexican Cultural Institute of New York. 
Then mark your calendar for LPV benefit garden party planned for June 3rd.
We are looking for food, wine, art and performers so get in touch with us to contribute something other than cold hard green cash!!

Schedule highlights include ”The Mystery of Claywoman” starring Michael Cavadis, and directed by Rob Roth. Claywoman combines lecture and butoh style performance connected by film “artifacts” and “testimonials” with appearances by such artists as Alan Cumming, Amy Poehler, Deborah Harry, Edgar Oliver, Ruth Maleczech, and others.Exhibitions include ceramics by Christopher Garcia (June) , ephemeral love letters by Cyríaco Lopez,(July) an installation by Matt Pych (August), and group shows by our resident LPV artists “Outside In” (September) and a mini residency with FRISE artist collective from Hamburg Germany (October).The regular season schedule will include monthly Y’Art Sale -Paintings, sculpture, photos, and artwork great and small – plus DVD’s, novelties, and knick-knacks of varieties - All contributions welcome!LPV events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc., Green Thumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts; NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, NYC Dept. of Sanitation & NYC Board of Education.Film & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.Additional support, in part, by public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.


Burning Decontrol


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