Our New Look!

Rodrigo Chazaro has designed a new logo heralding new directions for Allied Productions, Inc. Also we have moved a core body of Allied’s archives from storage to a new location at 368 East 8th Street. Our immediate mission is to identify, sort, catalog, scan, and digitize in preparation for engaging an archivist in continuation of  the placement of over 40 years of archives in appropriate repositories.This new location provides the long searched for space to showcase and display the collections we have assembled in visual art, photography, posters, ephemera, moving image and digital works - many of which are elements or documentation of  performance and live art interdisciplinary installation in the keeping  of our experimental progressive socially active vibe.   


New Web Store


February 24–28, 2021: ALLIED - LPV Returns to the Friendly Fire section of Printed Matter’s Virtual Art Book Fair