September 23 & 24 -Sunday/Monday
Le Petit Versailles 346 East Houston St.F/V train to 2nd Ave, J/M to Delancey212-529-8815 http://www.lptv.blogspot.comSept 23 Sunday 2-6pmFROM THE SUBLIME TO THE RIDICULOUS BENEFIT SALEfeaturing Art and Artifacts by LESLIE LOWE and others.Also furniture,collectibles,must-haves and must-go's!Portions of the proceeds will go to keeping the garden GREEN.
September 24 MONDAY 6-9 pm.RESTLESS NATIVESan interactive performance project of movement, music, and wordon the smile, the bomb, and the silence between.Join us to energize & revitalize our spirits with this gathering and performance in preparation for the visit of President Bush to the United Nations on Tuesday September 25th.“We must resurrect the dream that created the U.N. out of the nightmare of World War II. We must show courage, wisdom, and love by acting now to confront a bullying, rogue Superpower which refuses to allow the U.N. to act in accord with its own charter as world events bring us closer to the threat of expanded warfare and nuclear annihilation. The alarm has sounded. It blares agonizingly in our ears, beckoning conscientious action.” Kathy Kelly, Other Lands Have Dreams.TAKE ACTION- BE INVOLVED.To join us and for more information, write to and/or visit our website at You may also call any of the following numbers for more info:Brad Taylor at 917-287-5597, Joan Pleune at 718-855-2581, Laurie Arbeiter at 917-915-6115.LPV events are made possible by Allied Productions, Inc.,Citizens for NYC, Green Thumb/NYC Dept. of Parks, Materials for the Arts;,NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, NYC Dept. of Sanitation & NYC Board of EducationFilm & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.Additional support, in part, by public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.